A Brand Makeover

A Brand Makeover: Before -> After

In today’s competitive marketplace, staying relevant and appealing to consumers is crucial for any business. A brand makeover can rejuvenate a company’s image, attract new customers, and reinvigorate existing ones. Here’s an exploration of the transformative power of a brand makeover through the journey of a company, let’s call it “Client.”

Before: The Original Client

Logo and Visual Identity

Before: Client had a dated logo featuring a generic graphic paired with a lackluster font. The color palette was a dull combination of green and brown, which failed to stand out in a competitive market. The overall visual identity lacked energy and did not effectively communicate the brand’s core values.

Brand Messaging

Before: The brand messaging was inconsistent and uninspired, focusing on generic benefits that did not distinguish Client from competitors. Taglines like “Quality and Trust” were overused and failed to communicate the unique value proposition of the brand. There was no compelling narrative to engage and attract consumers.

Product Packaging

Before: The packaging was uninspired and generic, featuring a plain design with minimal information about the product’s unique benefits. The labels were cluttered with small text and lacked visual appeal, making it difficult for consumers to quickly grasp the brand’s message.

Customer Engagement

Before: Customer engagement was minimal, with a basic social media presence that did not foster community or interaction. The company’s website was outdated and not user-friendly, offering little in terms of interactive or engaging content.

After: The Transformed Client

Logo and Visual Identity

After: Client unveiled a dynamic new logo featuring a modern, stylized graphic with vibrant, eye-catching colors like bright orange, lively green, and refreshing blue. The new font is sleek and contemporary, exuding energy and health. The updated color palette is designed to stand out and evoke feelings of vitality and wellness.

Brand Messaging

After: The brand messaging was revamped to emphasize Client’s commitment to quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. New taglines like “Experience the Excellence” and “Innovating for You” communicate a clear, compelling story. Marketing campaigns now highlight the brand’s unique value proposition, focusing on the distinct advantages of their products.

Product Packaging

After: The packaging underwent a complete redesign, featuring bold, colorful graphics that highlight the product’s unique features and benefits. The labels are clean and modern, with clear, easy-to-read text and vibrant imagery that draws attention. The new packaging includes informative icons and a QR code that directs consumers to engaging content about the product’s benefits and uses.

Customer Engagement

After: Client significantly enhanced its customer engagement strategy. The brand now has a robust social media presence with interactive content, including behind-the-scenes looks, customer testimonials, and engaging tips related to their products. The website was redesigned to be user-friendly and visually appealing, featuring interactive elements such as a blog, how-to guides, and a newsletter signup. Client also launched a loyalty program to reward repeat customers and foster brand loyalty.

The Impact of the Makeover

The brand makeover transformed Client from a generic brand into a vibrant, modern, and engaging one that resonates with today’s consumers. Sales increased by 30% within six months of the rebrand, and social media engagement saw a 50% rise. Customers appreciated the fresh, modern look and the compelling, consistent messaging that highlighted the brand’s commitment to quality and innovation.

For Client, the transformation led to increased visibility, stronger customer engagement, and ultimately, higher sales. By thoughtfully redesigning its visual identity, messaging, packaging, and customer engagement strategies, Client now stands out in the competitive market as a vibrant and trustworthy brand.

Unlock Your Creativity: 7 Unconventional Tips for Unique Content Creation

In today’s digital age, content creation has become a crucial skill for businesses and individuals alike. Whether you’re a blogger, a social media influencer, or a marketer, creating unique and engaging content is key to capturing the attention of your audience. While there are countless articles out there offering tips for content creation, we’re here to take a different approach. In this article, we’ll explore seven unconventional tips that will help you unlock your creativity and produce truly unique content.

Embrace Your Quirks and Oddities

The pursuit of uniqueness starts with embracing your own quirks and oddities. Don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through in your content. The things that make you different are what will set you apart from the crowd. Whether it’s your sense of humor, your unusual perspective, or your knack for storytelling, lean into those qualities and let them infuse your content with a distinct flavor.

Explore Unrelated Fields

One of the best ways to foster creativity is to explore unrelated fields or topics. Step outside your comfort zone and venture into areas that you wouldn’t typically consider. By exposing yourself to diverse ideas, you’ll expand your mental horizons and draw inspiration from unexpected sources. For instance, if you’re a food blogger, delve into the world of architecture or literature to discover fresh angles for your content.

Collaborate with Unlikely Partners

Collaboration is a powerful tool for content creators, but instead of teaming up with those in your niche, seek out unlikely partners. Look for individuals or businesses from completely different industries or backgrounds. By bringing together diverse perspectives and expertise, you can create content that is both unique and captivating. The fusion of different ideas will generate fresh insights and attract a wider audience.

Experiment with Different Formats

Don’t limit yourself to a single content format. Experiment with various mediums such as videos, podcasts, infographics, interactive quizzes, or even immersive experiences like virtual reality. Different formats offer unique ways to engage your audience and convey your message. By exploring new formats, you’ll discover fresh avenues for creativity and expand your reach across different platforms.

Incorporate Storytelling

Storytelling is an age-old technique that continues to captivate audiences. Weave narratives into your content to make it more relatable and memorable. Storytelling humanizes your message and creates an emotional connection with your audience. Whether you’re sharing personal anecdotes, case studies, or fictional tales, the power of storytelling will help your content stand out from the crowd.

Engage in Mindful Observation

In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to overlook the small details that can inspire great content. Practice mindful observation by slowing down and paying attention to the world around you. Take note of interesting conversations, unique interactions, or even the beauty of nature. By honing your observational skills, you’ll find an endless well of inspiration for your content.

Embrace Failure and Iteration

Creating unique content often involves taking risks, and with risks comes the possibility of failure. Embrace failure as a stepping stone to success. Learn from your mistakes, gather feedback from your audience, and iterate on your content. The willingness to adapt and improve will not only help you refine your creative process but also enable you to produce truly unique and exceptional content.

By embracing your quirks, exploring diverse fields, collaborating with unlikely partners, experimenting with different formats, incorporating storytelling, engaging in mindful observation, and embracing failure, you’ll unlock your creativity and produce content that is truly unique.

How to Reach Potential Customers Near Your Area of Operation

When it comes to running a successful business, targeting potential customers in your local area can be a game-changer. Whether you have a physical store, offer services in a specific location, or simply want to tap into the local market, reaching customers near your area of operation is essential. In this article, we’ll explore effective strategies to help you connect with and attract potential customers right in your own backyard.

Optimize Your Online Presence for Local Searches:

In today’s digital age, most people turn to search engines like Google to find local businesses. To ensure your business appears in relevant local search results, optimize your online presence. Start by creating a Google My Business profile and providing accurate and up-to-date information about your business, such as your address, phone number, website, and operating hours. Include relevant keywords in your website content, meta tags, and headings to improve your local search rankings.

Leverage Local SEO Strategies:

Search engine optimization (SEO) plays a crucial role in getting your business noticed by local customers. Focus on optimizing your website for local keywords. Incorporate location-specific keywords in your website’s title tags, meta descriptions, and content. Additionally, create location-based landing pages to target different areas within your local market. Encourage satisfied customers to leave online reviews, as positive reviews can boost your local search visibility.

Engage with Local Online Communities:

Engaging with local online communities can be a powerful way to reach potential customers near your area of operation. Join local forums, social media groups, and community platforms related to your industry or location. Participate in discussions, answer questions, and provide valuable insights to establish yourself as an authority and gain visibility. Avoid blatant self-promotion and focus on building genuine connections with community members.

Collaborate with Local Influencers and Businesses:

Partnering with local influencers or businesses that complement your products or services can be mutually beneficial. Look for influencers with a significant local following and collaborate on promotional campaigns or content collaborations. Similarly, explore opportunities for cross-promotion with complementary businesses in your area. This could involve hosting joint events, sharing each other’s content, or offering exclusive discounts to each other’s customers.

Host Local Events and Workshops:

Hosting local events and workshops is an excellent way to showcase your expertise, build relationships, and attract potential customers. Consider organizing informational seminars, workshops, or demonstrations related to your industry. Choose topics that are relevant and valuable to your target audience. Promote your events through various channels, including local listings, social media, community bulletin boards, and partnerships with local organizations.

Sponsor Local Causes and Events:

Supporting local causes and events not only demonstrates your commitment to the community but also provides valuable exposure for your business. Look for sponsorship opportunities with local charities, sports teams, schools, or community events. Your business name and logo displayed prominently at these events can generate awareness and positive associations with your brand among local customers.

Implement Geotargeted Advertising:

Take advantage of geotargeted advertising to specifically target potential customers in your area. Platforms like Google Ads and social media platforms offer location-based targeting options. Create campaigns that specifically focus on your local audience, such as displaying ads to users within a certain radius of your business or targeting individuals who have shown interest in similar local businesses.

Leveraging local SEO strategies, engaging with local online communities, collaborating with influencers and businesses, hosting local events, sponsoring local causes, and implementing geotargeted advertising, you’ll maximize your visibility and connect with potential customers right in your local market.

Unacceptable errors in logo design

Unacceptable errors in logo design

Choosing the right font decides the fate of logo design, so it is extremely important to have a good command of the basics of type design. The logo should be as simple as possible and at the same time convey a certain meaning. To achieve this, the designer must consider all aspects of the logo design with fonts.

Don’t use too many fonts or weights (maximum two). Don’t use standard, weird, too narrow fonts. Pay attention to the character spacing, set spacing, size, and most importantly – choose a font that is suitable for the logo in a particular project.


As we wrote in the previous point, the choice of font decides the fate of the entire design. The selection of the font can sometimes take no less time than the creation of the logo image itself, and haste is not justified here.

I suggest taking your time to consider all the font options that could be used in a particular project, then narrow down their circle and check how well each of them fits with the image. Don’t be discouraged by the need to buy a custom font, modify an existing one, or even create your own. Also, don’t forget that the logo font should fit in with the entire brand identity and be compatible with other fonts and designs.


Simple logos are easier to remember because they are easier to recognize. However, they are well remembered and differ from others only by those logos that have some unique properties but are not overloaded with unnecessary details.

Due to the simplicity of execution, the logo becomes not only memorable but also multifunctional, retaining all its functions when used on various information resources, materials, and means. For example, a logo must remain effective on both postage-stamp-sized media and stand-sized media. An overly abstract logo is also not worth making.


If a logo needs color or special effects to be effective, then it’s not an effective logo. To avoid this trap, first, make the logo in black and white and only then add effects or color. This will allow you to focus on form and meaning, rather than effects. Avoid using drop shadows, embossing, and other layer styles to “shine” your logo – a good logo will catch attention on its own. You can also work on different versions of the logo to make sure it looks equally effective in both color and neutral gray.


When creating a logo, you should use programs for working with vector images, such as Adobe Illustrator, so that later, if necessary, the logo can be resized without loss of quality and used on various information resources and materials. Because a vector image is made up of mathematical points, it remains accurate and consistent no matter where and at what size it is used. A bitmap (made up of pixels, such as an image in Adobe Photoshop) is not scalable, which means that it cannot be used to apply a large image. For this reason, we recommend using vector image software to create logos.


Another common mistake of amateur designers is an attempt to create a monogram from the initial letters of the company name (for example, they will try to write B and H in the Bob’s Hardware logo). While this may seem like a good option at first glance, in reality, it turns out that it is not so easy to build trust with the audience or convey the desired meaning through the initial letters of words. Of course, nothing prevents you from trying this approach, but don’t stop there, unless you manage to create a truly original, creative, and memorable image that reflects the company’s mission. The names of the companies HP, FedEx, IBM, GM were not originally acronyms, they began to be used in abbreviated form only after many years of work and gaining a stable reputation.


How emotions in advertising affect sales

Advertising that causes strong emotions increases sales by 20%. But today it’s quite difficult to choose the right way of effective advertising. We are overloaded with information. The number of media sources is breaking records. The average person watches television five and a half hours a day. Two and a half more listening to the radio. We spend 2 hours using smartphones, 2 more – looking at the laptop screen. Add to this list of other gadgets, and it turns out that we have been interacting with the media for more than twelve hours. And we are constantly in touch with advertising.

Nowadays radio, television, and the Internet constantly steal information from each other. But even the lack of uniqueness does not cancel the fact that people began to interact more actively with the media. And, contrary to popular belief, they began to trust television advertising more. Especially compared to advertising on the Internet.

The world of modern media is extremely complex and diverse. It is important to determine the target audience and the right presentation. And no matter how advertising is impressive from a technical point of view, it’s the idea is in the first place.

Why advertising sometimes doesn’t work

Advertising is everywhere. To be noticed, the concept must be thought out to the smallest detail, because usually, advertising is perceived by the background (have you heard about ‘banner blindness’?) and it is harder for it to reach the audience.

Samyrial also recommends: What’s wrong with TikTok?

What is the basis of strong advertising? And how does it interact with the buyer?

The advertising industry has created dozens of assessment tools based on memorization, recognition, attention, intent, and the like. They help evaluate the impact of advertising on the audience and understand what works and what doesn’t. They are easy to measure and easy to interpret. This is important, but not enough all the indicators that traditional marketing relies on do not reflect whether advertising establishes an emotional contact with a person.

Ad performance depends on emotions

Emotions are the cornerstone of advertising. There are dozens of theories about how it works, but most modern researchers agree on one thing: all our relationships with brands are based on emotions. And emotions govern both unconscious and conscious decisions, those that we weigh and think through well.

How long have you come across a movie with a simple melody that you couldn’t get rid of? Or did you notice an image that, it seemed, was not connected with the brand in any way, but then it was still strongly associated with it? Usually, such pictures, slogans, and melodies that get stuck in the memory testify to the effectiveness of advertising – but they hardly say anything about the qualities of the product itself. Remember that in most cases, people make a purchase decision not for rational reasons, but just like that. Instinctively, intuitively, spontaneously.


What’s wrong with TikTok?

Researchers in the field of information security have found that several popular iOS applications, including the TikTok short video service, pull data from the device’s clipboard when starting up.

It was also revealed that they retrieve data from the buffer intentionally. It is also important that we are talking about sensitive data: logins/passwords from the password manager, wallet numbers, and other confidential information.

The mechanics of reading the buffer are also important. If it was previously reported that reading data from the buffer is performed each time the application is opened/launched, then recently it was revealed that this happens every time the user enters a space character, comma, or period. That is, reading the buffer happens almost in real-time when the device owner uses a smartphone.

Samyrial also recommends: How does contextual advertising work?

The strange behavior of applications, specifically TikTok, became known back in March. Then the developers pledged to correct the situation with the invasion of the user clipboard.

In fact, unscrupulous mobile developers would continue to collect data with impunity, if not for the new iOS 14 feature to combat popup ads and other black mobile advertising techniques.

The strange behavior of iOS developers shows that we are rapidly moving to several major crises of the mobile segment. In particular, the society runs the risk of a systematic violation of confidentiality due to the desire to maximize monetization of the application where historically everything is “proprietary and fenced”. Downloading an application from AppStore has always been a guarantee for the user that “everything is clean” with him. Also, people are used to trusting brands and large networks.

Now we see that the Chinese TikTok, supported by Chinese capital, is rummaging through the buffer, and American television channels and popular games follow it quite a bit. Moreover, the problem has been known since March, but the application is still in the store, and the developers simply “promise to fix everything”, but not in a hurry.


How does contextual advertising work?

Business owners want to increase sales and increase brand awareness. That is why they use contextual advertising, not fully understanding what its features, advantages, and disadvantages are.

Contextual advertising is a type of advertising on the Internet that effectively attracts interested buyers to your resource to increase sales. Advertising has many settings and allows you to choose the geography, ad serving time, interests, device targeting.

The results of using contextual advertising can be tracked after collecting primary analytics. The numbers will tell the truth about the impact of ads on the user. This means that you do not have to wait until your resource becomes popular or enters the TOP of search engines.

If you need to:

  • quickly attract potential buyers;

  • increase sales of specific goods or services;

  • increase the number of repeat sales;

  • increase recognition of the company or brand;

  • quickly and effectively announce your startup,

then contextual advertising is your tool.

Contextual advertising has a positive effect on the organic issuance of a site in search engines, which is especially useful for young resources.

How does the system know what a person needs?

Anyone who is often interested in smartphones will see suggestions for a portable battery, headphones, and other mobile accessories. A visitor to accommodation booking sites – ads with recommendations on apartments, hotels for the requested location, and price range. Maybe, you noticed how long the ads Booking has been running after you when you were looking for a product or service on their sites.

Samyrial also recommends: How emotions in advertising affect sales

Types of contextual advertising


Appears in the search results window after entering a query in the search bar and pressing the “find” button. For example, if you ask Google “buy furniture in Odessa”, then it will show several suitable ads over regular links. Text ads match the user’s request. The cost of a click on an ad depends on the position. The higher the bid, the more likely the position in the search results.

What affects the position of an ad in search results?

  • bid value;

  • Quality Score for your ad and landing page

  • minimum ad rating;

  • the expected effect of the selection of extensions and ad format.

This means that you can bypass competitors who bid higher if the advertising materials and keywords are more relevant to user requests.

The ad rating is recalculated every time an ad is allowed to run. Therefore, the position of the advertisement may vary depending on the level of competition at the time of the search, as well as on the conditions under which the user enters a search query. Ads may appear at the top and bottom of the search results page.

Here is a list of factors that make context ads different from SEO.

  • You can take into account the region of residence of potential customers. When setting up contextual advertising, you can choose which residents of the area will display an ad. This is useful if you are focusing on specific regions.

  • Quick effect. All types of contextual advertising lead to an operational effect: resource attendance grows almost immediately. SEO promotion takes much longer.

  • Ability to work with NOT optimized sites. It is not necessary to optimize the site for search engines – the context acts on almost any resources, including non-indexed ones. But doing so is bad. Especially when the basket falls off and there is no “order” button on the site.

  • Ability to track performance. You know exactly where and when potential customers came. Especially if you have set up call tracking.

  • Many customization options. You decide what to say in the ad. You can select a description and specify the landing page to which the user lands when switching.

  • An advertising campaign can be stopped and started.